Haskell encryption (UNICODE Example)

-- encrypted with www.stringencrypt.com (v1.0.0) [Haskell]
module Main where
import qualified Data.Char
import qualified Data.Bits
main = do
  putStrLn $ myString
-- myString = "Encryption in Haskell"
myString = zipWith f [0..] [0x7840, 0x789A, 0x789C, 0x788C, 0x7888, 0x7890, 0x7891, 0x789D,
                            0x7822, 0x7822, 0x6FD9, 0x78A1, 0x78A1, 0x6FD8, 0x7845, 0x789D,
                            0x789E, 0x7889, 0x7892, 0x788A, 0x7887]
    f cwmsq tkxlw = let ciiql0 = tkxlw
                        ciiql1 = ciiql0 + 0x73DE
                        ciiql2 = Data.Bits.complement ciiql1
                        ciiql3 = ciiql2 `Data.Bits.xor` 0xFBBE
                        ciiql4 = ciiql3 - 0xB363
                        ciiql5 = ciiql4 `Data.Bits.xor` 0x34B9
                        ciiql6 = ciiql5 `Data.Bits.xor` cwmsq
                    in Data.Char.chr (ciiql6 Data.Bits..&. 0xFFFF)

Haskell encryption (ANSI Example)

-- encrypted with www.stringencrypt.com (v1.0.0) [Haskell]
module Main where
import qualified Data.Char
import qualified Data.Bits
main = do
  putStrLn $ myString
-- myString = "Haskell encryption"
myString = zipWith f [0..] [ 0x4E, 0x66, 0x77, 0x6E, 0x67, 0x6D, 0x6C, 0x1F,
                             0x63, 0x6B, 0x5F, 0x6D, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6C, 0x60,
                             0x65, 0x63 ]
    f huhto udlew = let hwvkt0 = udlew
                        hwvkt1 = hwvkt0 + huhto
                        hwvkt2 = hwvkt1 - 0xE4
                        hwvkt3 = Data.Bits.complement hwvkt2
                        hwvkt4 = hwvkt3 + 0x9A
                        hwvkt5 = hwvkt4 - huhto
                        hwvkt6 = hwvkt5 + 1
                        hwvkt7 = Data.Bits.complement hwvkt6
                        hwvkt8 = hwvkt7 - huhto
                        hwvkt9 = hwvkt8 - 0x87
                    in Data.Char.chr (hwvkt9 Data.Bits..&. 0xFF)